It’s October, and at L.A. Private Car Service we are on a mission. We want to take the time and focus on women’s health, specifically breast cancer, and Breast Cancer Awareness. The month of October is the time to do just that.
We will be donating a portion of our October proceeds to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Our chauffeurs at LA Private Car Service will show their support by wearing the pink ribbon pins all month while our social media pages also make posts about the importance of fighting this disease.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), also known as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM), refers to the annual international health campaign organized by major charities and organizations focusing on raising awareness and fighting breast cancer. The month of October has been selected to bring extra awareness to this disease and generate donations and financial backing to fight for treatments and ultimately a cure.
The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.
While navigating our vibrant city of Los Angeles, in one of our beautiful, clean luxury sedans, SUVs or even the Mercedes Benz Sprinter our passengers will not only be impressed with the punctual, courteous service of our chauffeurs and their safe driving skills, but hopefully notice the pink ribbon pins as well. It is one way we like to show our support for this month’s theme and draw attention to an important cause. In the fight against breast cancer, all of us win by doing our share, in any way or scale we can.
During the month of October, a variety of events, including walks and runs, are organized here in the U.S. and globally. Some buildings and famous landmarks can be seen illuminated in pink color. The National Football League (NFL) draws attention to breast cancer by incorporating pink on and off the field, and comic strips artists use pink on one day in some October art and drawings.
In the always on-the-go, active city of Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood and the movies, we all can play a real role in being a part of a solution and become a champion when it comes to Breast Cancer Awareness. For us Angelenos, it is a great time to focus our attention and get involved in various related activities to honor this cause by running, walking, by cheering our friends and other participants, or by attending a lecture to keep informed. For more information on related events in Los Angeles, please visit your local calendar listings such as Eventbrite and similar sites.
On your way to these amazing, unifying events, you may want to book a car with LA Private Car Service and leave the hassle of the big-city traffic and arriving to your run and walks, charity fundraising, speeches, and important outings to our expert staff. Our chauffeurs will be there to drive you home safely.
Think Pink, this October, and join us in the fight against breast cancer.